Author: admin

What is a Sound Bath?
Το ηχόλουτρο, είναι μια μέθοδος χαλάρωσης χρησιμοποιώντας τον ήχο και τη δόνηση που εκπέμπουν συγκεκρίμένα όργανα παραγωγής θεραπευτικού ήχου όπως οι θιβετιανές γαβάθες, κρυσταλλικά μπωλ χαλαζία, μελωδοί, γκόνγκ, τύμπανα κ.α. Συγκεκριμένα οι θιβετιανές ηχογαβάθες είναι ένα μίγμα 7μετάλων ειδικά κατασκευασμένες στο χέρι για να επιδρούν χαλαρωτικά και θεραπευτικά σε συγκεκριμένα σημεία του σώματος, όπως και […]

Sound is vibration. The right kind of vibration can help you unwind, relax, and come into connection with your inner peace and balance. In a sound bath, all you have to do is bring your yoga mat, if you have one, a towel, and some water, lie down, get comfortable, and close your eyes if […]

Kythera – Summer 2020
Events to be announced soon. Follow us on FB an Instagram to find out our latest action!

Own the realization of your “drama”.
(Το ελληνικό κείμενο ακολουθεί) Our body and mind is a complicated masterpiece. Even though we are so perfectly made, we sometimes forget it. We forget us. Like a machine without service or care, we start to deteriorate, to break, to fall apart. Unlike a machine, we all have the ability to self-heal. The essence of […]

Experiencing Sound Massage
Imagine your body is a lake of still water, and someone drops a pebble in it. Circular vibrational waves are formed traveling throughout your body reaching trillions of cells. Since we are made up of 70% water, sound also travels in a massage-like motion into our tissues, organs, bones, lymphatic, blood and nervous systems and […]

The silent sounds of meditation
The silent sounds of meditation The benefits of meditation are all well known. And I think that great Masters and teachers have written and said so much on the subject that anything I say is obsolete. My thoughts are about silence. The silence of those meditative moments. The moments that you close your eyes and […]